Tegan McFarlane

Tegan McFarlane is the Head of People and Culture with CV Services and has been in this role for the last four years. Tegan is passionate about investing in her organisations people and workforce.

Jeff Wilson

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CV Services

Facilitate Early Intervention and Treatment

July 30, 2021

Tegan McFarlane Head & Jeff Wilson discuss how facilitating early intervention prevention activities are initiated within CV Services.

Right on Time

Tegan McFarlane Head of People & Culture & Jeff Wilson, Fires Services Supervisor with CV Services, discuss how facilitating early intervention prevention activities are initiated within CV Services.


Reducing the Impact of Critical Incidents and Suicide

Reducing the impact of critical incidents and suicide on construction workers: A rapid review and qualitative study. A report for MATES in Construction by University of New England and Monash University

MATES in Construction
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MATES in Construction Workplace Suicide Prevention Program

Articulation of Program Logic

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Understanding the Barriers and Pathways to Male Help-Seeking and Help-Offering

A Mixed Methods Study of the Impact of the Mates in Construction Program

MATES in Construction
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